How To Call Out of Work (Reasons, Tips and Examples) 

Calling out of work means telling your boss you can’t come to work. It’s something adults do when they’re sick or have an emergency. Even though you’re not working yet, it’s good to learn about this now. This article will help you understand why people call out, how to do it right, and what to say. 

Reasons to Call Out of Work 

How To Call Out of Work

There are many good reasons why someone might need to call out of work. Here are some common ones: 

  1. Being sick: If you have a bad cold, the flu, or any illness that makes it hard to work, it’s okay to stay home.
  2. Family emergency: If someone in your family is sick or hurt and needs your help, that’s a good reason to call out.
  3. Car trouble: If your car breaks down or you can’t get to work because of transportation problems, you might need to call out.
  4. Home emergency: Things like a broken pipe, a power outage, or a small fire at home are good reasons to stay home from work.
  5. Mental health day: Sometimes, people feel very stressed or sad and need a day off to feel better.
  6. Appointments: If you have an important doctor’s appointment that you can’t change, you might need to call out.
  7. Bad weather: In some places, heavy snow or storms can make it unsafe to go to work.

Remember, it’s important only to call out when necessary. If you call out too much, your boss might think you’re unreliable. 

Tips for Calling Out of Work 

When you need to call out of work, here are some tips to do it the right way: 

  1. Call as soon as possible: If you know you can’t come to work, tell your boss as soon as possible. This helps them plan for your absence.
  2. Talk to your boss directly: It’s best to call and speak to your boss. If you can’t reach them, leave a message or send an email.
  3. Keep it short: You don’t need to provide many details. Just explain briefly why you can’t come in.
  4. Be honest: Don’t make up reasons. It’s better to tell the truth.
  5. Offer to make up the work: If you can, tell your boss you’ll finish your work when you return or work extra hours later.
  6. Follow company rules: Some jobs have specific ways they want you to report your absence. Make sure you know and follow these rules.
  7. Don’t overshare on social media: If you call out sick, don’t post pictures of yourself having fun. Your coworkers or boss might see them.

Examples of How to Call Out of Work 

Here are some examples of what you might say when calling out of work. Remember to keep it simple and polite:  

  1. For sickness:

Hi [Boss’s name], this is [Your name]. I’m not feeling well today and need to stay home. I expect to be back tomorrow. I’ll make sure to finish my work when I return.”  

  1. For a family emergency:

“Hello [Boss’s name], I have a family emergency and won’t be able to come to work today. I’ll keep you updated on when I can return. I appreciate your understanding.” 

  1. For car trouble:

“Good morning [Boss’s name], my car won’t start, and I can’t get to work today. I’m trying to get it fixed quickly. I’ll let you know if I can come in later or if I need to take the whole day off.”  

  1. For a home emergency:

“Hi [Boss’s name], there’s a water leak in my home that I need to take care of right away. I won’t be able to come in today, but I’ll be available by phone if you need me.”  

  1. For a mental health day:

“Hello [Boss’s name], I’m not feeling well today and need to take a personal day. I’ll return to work tomorrow, ready to tackle my tasks.” 

  1. For an appointment:

“Hi [Boss’s name], I have an important doctor’s appointment today that I couldn’t reschedule. I’ll be in the office after lunch and will stay late to finish my work.” 

  1. For bad weather:

“Good morning [Boss’s name], the roads are very icy, and it’s unsafe for me to drive. I’ll work from home today if possible, or make up the hours later this week.” 

Things to Remember 

Calling out of work is sometimes necessary, but it’s important to do it correctly. Here are some key things to keep in mind: 

  • Don’t call out too often. Save it for when you really need it. 
  • Always be polite and thankful when you call out. 
  • You might need a doctor’s note if you’re sick for over a day or two. 
  • Try to plan ahead for appointments or other events you know about in advance. 
  • If you miss an important meeting or deadline, offer to make it up somehow. 

Remember that your absence affects your coworkers, so be considerate.  

Learning how to call out of work properly is an important skill. It shows that you’re responsible and care about your job, even when you can’t be there. By following these tips and examples, you’ll be well-prepared for when you need to use them in your future job.